Thursday, April 5, 2012

New phase in life

Ok, it's the time that I am switching job. The next job will be my third job which I see it more like a combination of my previous 2 jobs. Traveling and sales. It's been a tiring year for me and I have neglected many important people in life including neglecting myself for too many times however it was a actually a great experience for me.

I worked like a mad man day to night, night to day but there is always a sense of accomplishment at the end of the projects. When customer says thank you for your help and when customer show their appreciations to me in other ways. I worked hard, real hard. Never in my life during my younger years would I ever think that I will be a person like this which I am glad I became. It's not easy. Many people who don't understand the amount of effort I have to put into my work would be thinking that I cannot handle stress. Many time at work, i would be asking myself is it all worth it? The main reason for switching my job is that I know I can take the work load now however when I become older, will I still be able to take the work load?

I am actually enjoying the little luxury of having the time to do a little of verbal diarrhea on my blog.


Did not know Jay Zhou is the composer. Am in my detox mode so I am allowed to listen to emo songs right?

About him

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Haydn P HAYDN P HaYdn P